Red Cherry Shrimp Care
Keeping Red Cherry Shrimp is fairly easy for a dedicated aquarium hobbyist. Red Cherry Shrimp can be kept as long as the aquarium they are in has stable parameters, avoids harmful elements, feed them high quality food, and only contains acceptable tank mates.
Stable water parameters are very important when keeping Red Cherry Shrimp. They have a wide range of acceptable parameters such as a pH range of 6.0-7.6 and an acceptable temperature range of 65-80°F. It is far more important that the pH, temperature, and water hardness stay stable than to pinpoint a specific number. As long as they parameters are stable with in the acceptable range Cherry Red Shrimp will flourish in the aquarium.
Bright red female Red Cherry Shrimp carrying eggs.
Berried Adult Female. Noticed the green eggs. Egg color does not affect the color of the hatch.
A good filtration system and frequent water changes help aid in keeping water parameters stable. Due to the small size of Red Cherry Shrimp, a sponge filter, or power filter with a sponge pre-filter is recommended. Water changes of 20% a month is all that is necessary to keep Red Cherry Shrimp long as you do not over feed the tank.
There are a few elements that are commonly found in an aquarium that are very harmful to Red Cherry Shrimp. Ammonia, Nitrite, and Nitrate are all very harmful. A cycled and well-maintained filtration system will eliminate Ammonia and Nitrate. Nitrate is the byproduct of the filter eliminating Ammonia and Nitrite and is removed by water changes or by growing plants.
Aquatic plants use Nitrate as a source of nitrogen and help reduce this element in the water column. While aquatic plants are good for helping eliminate Nitrate, other fertilizers used to maintain plants can kill Cherry Red Shrimp. Copper is found in many aquatic plant fertilizers contain trace amounts of copper, so it not recommended to dose fertilizers in tanks that contain Cherry Red Shrimp.
A peaceful community aquarium containing only small fish makes a good home for Red Cherry Shrimp, but almost any fish that can fit a Cherry Red Shrimp in its mouth will make a quick and tasty meal out of them. Recommended tank mates include tetras, guppies, and smaller barbs. If breeding Cherry Red Shrimp, a shrimp only tank is recommended.
Red Cherry Shrimp should never be put in a tank with other Neocaridina species to avoid cross breeding. They can be kept with Caridina species such as Amano Shrimp, Bee Shrimp and Crystal Red Shrimp. While Crystal Red and Bee Shrimp require lower pHs and temperatures than are common in the aquarium to breed, they will live just fine in most water parameters that Red Cherry Shrimp will live and breed in.
Something Different
Dwarf freshwater shrimp have become increasingly popular as algae eaters, general scavengers and for many aquarists, interesting additions to desktop “nano” aquariums and natural planted biotopes. From the basic ghost shrimp (Palaemonetes paludosus), typically sold as feeder shrimp, to the well-known Amano or algae-eating shrimp (Caridinia multidentata), to the popular red cherry shrimp (Neocaridinia heteropoda), to crystal and bee shrimp (Caridinia cantonensis), to the filter-feeding bamboo shrimp (Atyopsis moluccensis), the list of shrimp for aquarists to consider continues to grow. Regardless of one’s budget or experience level, dwarf freshwater shrimp offer something unique and truly different for aquarists with small to medium-sized aquariums.
Natural Habitat for Freshwater Shrimp
Most dwarf freshwater shrimp kept by aquarists have their origins in eastern Asia, with the exception of ghost shrimp which are native to the southern United States. Amano shrimp are native to Japan and Taiwan, where they are still collected today. Red cherry shrimp are thought to have originated in Taiwan, while the original wild forms of tiger and bee shrimp trace their sources to Hong Kong and the New Territories, as well as mainland China. Malaya is another source for certain Caridinia species. Bamboo shrimp are found throughout Southeast Asia. In recent years, the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia has produced some truly spectacular freshwater shrimp.
Freshwater Shrimp Water Requirements
Water requirements for dwarf freshwater shrimp vary depending on species, although ammonia and nitrites should always be undetectable and nitrates should be below 10 ppm. Ghost shrimp, along with Amano and bamboo shrimp are not particular about pH or alkalinity as long as extremes are avoided, and can be kept in dechlorinated tap water. The same can be said for red cherry shrimp. Most crystal and bee shrimp require soft, low pH water, while Caridinia shrimp from Sulawesi need a higher pH and alkalinity, along with higher temperatures. It is best to research the water requirements of the species you intend to keep before purchasing them. When using plant supplements or medications, avoid products containing copper, as it is toxic to freshwater shrimp. Maintain good filtration and do a 10% water exchange weekly or 25% every 2 weeks using an Aqueon Aquarium Water Changer or Siphon Vacuum Gravel Cleaner. For soft water species use reverse osmosis or deionized water supplemented with Aqueon Water Renewal. Don’t forget to treat tap water with Aqueon Water Conditioner before refilling your aquarium!
Housing Requirements for Freshwater Shrimp
Larger species such as ghost, Amano and bamboo shrimp can be kept in aquariums of 10 to 55 gallons, while red cherry, crystal and bee shrimp are better suited to aquariums of 10 gallons or less. If using a hang-on (HOB) or canister filter, slide a sponge pre-filter over the intake screen to prevent shrimp from being sucked into the filter. Dedicated shrimp breeders typically use air driven sponge filters. Live plants are recommended, particularly species such as Java moss or Najas. Substrate should be pH neutral (inert) or an aquatic plant medium. There are a number of substrate materials designed specifically for dwarf freshwater shrimp keeping. Mature aquariums are preferred as they are more stable and tend to have natural food sources for shrimp; never place dwarf freshwater shrimp in a newly set up aquarium!
Freshwater Shrimp Behavior/Compatibility
Dwarf freshwater shrimp are active and almost always engaged in harvesting algae or some other food source. Because most species stay relatively small, they are vulnerable to predation by larger fish. Many shrimp enthusiasts set up dedicated shrimp aquariums with no fish at all, however, many species of freshwater shrimp can be kept with very small, non-aggressive, non-predatory fish such as emerald dwarf rasboras, Boraras rasboras, celestial danios, ember tetras, Endlers livebearers, sparkling gouramis, blue-eyed rainbowfish, otocinclus and pygmy corydoras catfish. Dwarf freshwater shrimp can also be kept with Nerite and other snail species. Avoid combining different species of the same genus of dwarf freshwater shrimp in the same aquarium to prevent cross-breeding. In other words, don’t keep two different species of Neocaridinia together, but you can mix a Neocaridinia with a Caridinia.
What Do Freshwater Shrimp Eat?
Dwarf freshwater shrimp are largely algae eaters, however, they will eagerly accept virtually any food offered. Withholding food one day a week helps them cleanse their digestive systems and encourages them to do more aquarium cleaning. Bamboo shrimp are filter feeders that like to sit in a current and trap micro-organisms and fine particles such as ground flake or pellet food on their fans. Dwarf freshwater shrimp can be fed Aqueon Tropical Flakes, Spirulina Flakes, Algae Rounds, Shrimp Pellets, Bottom Feeder Tablets, Tropical Color Flakes and Tropical Granules. For best results, rotate their diet daily and feed only what they can consume in 2 to 3 minutes, once or twice a day.
Freshwater Shrimp Breeding – Easy to Difficult
Many dwarf freshwater shrimp breed readily in captivity, however, success varies from species to species. Red cherry shrimp and certain otherNeocaridinia, for example, can quickly develop into large colonies with no assistance from the aquarist. Crystal and bee shrimp are a bit more difficult, while others, such as Amano shrimp are nearly impossible, as they require brackish water to breed successfully. Research should be done before any breeding is attempted.