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Surreal, prehistoric and prickly

A cactus brings a hint of the desert into your living room. The plant is ancient, rugged and surprising, thanks to its eye-catching shapes and flowers. 


There is no other plant as decorative and surreal as the cactus. A bright pink globe can emerge from a grey-green base, and magnificent flowers can appear amidst the spikes. Mammilaria are flowering cacti and Echino is spherical with beautifully even ridges. Gymnocalycium appears to be made of green lumps and has a pitcher flower, Opuntia grows in flat discsand Cereus forms a pillar which can reach a height of ten metres in the wild.

The cactus’s thorns create their own ecosystem. In the wild they protect the plant from night-time cold, harsh sunlight, being eaten by animals, also provide some cooling, dew absorption and drainage for rain. Cacti have a large root system. They store moisture in their roots, leaves and stems and therefore largely regulate their own food intake. All in all, the plant is fairly self-sustaining.


Cacti have been a celebrated source of food, drink, medicines, tools and building materials in Central America for centuries. In Mexico the cactus is so common that the plant has even made it onto the national coat of arms, together with a snake and an eagle. Combined, they depict the legend of Tenochtitlan. 


Cacti grow wild in Africa and Central and South America, in both the cold mountain ranges and the tropical Caribbean. They have been around since prehistory - excavations in Mexico have shown that humans used to cultivate them for fruit in the past. Although cacti are often associated with the desert, there are only a couple that can cope with extreme drought. Most grow in regions with 5 to 50cm of rainfall a year. There are some 1800 different species. The world’s largest cactus is the saguaro, which can grow to be 1 metre thick and 20 metres high, and is therefore the equivalent of a sizeable tree



Vast and diverse, it is not easy to provide general caring tips for the cactus and succulent group. Instead, we must begin by identifying your species. From small and delicate to larger and more striking, there is a cactus to suit every home. The most commonly known identifier of cactus plants, is their ability to store water for long periods of time. Cactus are known to many as one of few plants that can survive in the dry environments of dessert land. What people don't know is that it isn't as simple to look after a cactus as you think.


All types of cacti are succulents, however the defining factor of cacti are there areoles, which are not found in succulents. It is important to identify the specific species of cactus you are planning on keeping. For example, while many succulents grow in low moisture, high temperature, sunny climates, as seen in wild west films accompanied by cowboys and tumble weeds, some succulents actually grow in the rainforest (such as Epiphyllum). Therefore, it is important to be mindful of the native environment in which your succulent thrives, to provide the best possible growing conditions and achieve the best results.


  • Aporocactus Flagelliformis - Rat's Tail

  • Cereus Peruvianus - Peruvian Apple

  • Opuntia Microdasys - Bunny Ears

  • Schlumbergera Bridgesii - Christmas

  • Hatiora Gaertneri - Easter Cactus

  • Disocactus Ackermannii - Orchid

  • Echinocactus Grusonii - Golden Barrel Cactus


Once you have identified your cactus type, you need to create the right environment for it. You are looking for an open and free draining pot, this will prevent waterlogging and best recreate the ideal habitat for your succulent. Cactis and succulents can be stored on a window sill all year round in the most part, however certain species such as Rhipsalis need to be positioned in a semi-shade environment, so ensure that you adhere to the requirements of your cactus. In terms of temperature, it is ideal to have a minimum of 8-10°C (46-50°F) at night time.


The appropriate ways to care for your houseplant varies depending on the time of year. From April, water weekly and allow excess to drain away. In winter however, watering can be reduced. The key is to allow the compost to dry out between watering sessions, this applies all year round. If possible, water using tepid rainwater as the minerals in tap water can build up and cause deposits, damaging the leaves of succulents.

Some species of dessert-cacti can be left without water between November and February, so do your research to ensure you water correctly. During this time, winter-flowering succulents will need to be kept warm and be watered regularly, followed by a resting period in the summer. In the summer months try to provide adequate ventilation for your succulent(s). Finally, in terms of feeding, do so once a month throughout April to September using a relevant succulent feeding product.


Depending on the specie of houseplant that you have, pruning can help you make the most out of your cacti. Not always a necessary process, but when needed pruning can help maintain a fresh shape and look to your cactus. The occasional tidy can neaten outgrown specimens and thin over crowded areas. To further look after your cactus, the occasional dust can help keep the houseplant looking fresh, use a clean dust cloth when necessary.


There are a number of things to look out for when growing cacti and actions you can take to limit potential problems. Here are the most common:


As emphasised throughout this article, the conditions in which you grow and care for your cactus greatly affect their health. Watering especially deserves particular attention, for example, too heavy watering can cause stunted growth and cause blistering. While, not watering enough can result in limited growth and shrivelling.

As well as temperature and watering routines, humidity and brightness should also be monitored to prevent potential problems. In situations where humidity is too high or the area is too bright, Cactus Corky Scab can be a result. Signs such as brown patches are an indicator, these then gradually shrink and form a scab. To prevent further scabbing, subtly reduce the humidity and light – however do not do so abruptly as this can cause undesirable affects.


White patches may indicate Mealybug, while bronzed patches may be indicative of glass house red spider miteScale insectscan be spotted on sighting of patching visible on the stems and leaves. Rot is a common problems amongst the succulent family, with diseases such as Erwinia, fusarium and botrytis often causing infection in under or over watered plants. Another cause can be cold temperatures. If you suspect your cactus may have contracted one of these common diseases, treat with a fungicide as soon as possible.

Cacti are generally problem-free plants. Give them a spot of sunlight and a minimal amount of care, and they will grow healthily and happily. In fact, one of the cacti's only real enemies is too much water. Overwatering is the primary cause of cactus rot in the home garden. If you notice that your plant has begun to get mushy, act quickly and you may be able to remedy the problem. Even cacti rotted all the way down to the soil line can bounce back with proper care.


Cacti Rotting from the Base Up

Step 1

Cut the top of the cacti off with a sharp knife. Make the cut at least 2 inches above the rotted plant material.

Step 2

Leave the cut cacti piece on its side indoors in a cool, dry spot for 24 to 72 hours or until the cut bottom of the cacti piece dries and callouses over.

Step 3

Change the cacti's soil. Over-watering is a common cause of rot, but fungal problems in the soil may also be the root of the cause. Empty the old pot, wash it with soapy water, rinse and dry. Place a disposable coffee filter in the bottom of the pot to prevent soil escaping through the drainage holes. Re-fill the pot with fresh cacti soil, available at most home garden centers. Do not use regular potting soil. It retains too much water and may eventually cause your cacti to rot again. If the cacti is growing in the landscape, consider moving it indoors where you can better control its exposure to water. Or, plant it in a drier spot that contains sandy well-drained soil.

Step 4

Re-plant the piece of cacti you cut off in the new soil. Sit it just deep enough to keep it from toppling over.

Step 5

Water the soil once weekly during the cacti's first two weeks of growth, while it is putting down new roots.

Cacti Rotting from the Top Down

Step 1

Cut the rotted portion of the cacti away with a sharp knife. Make the pruning cut at least one inch into healthy tissue to make sure that you prune away all of the rotted tissue.

Step 2

Dispose of the rotted portion of the cacti. It cannot be saved or re-potted.

Step 3

Make sure that your potted cacti is growing in a cacti-succulent mixture. If it is not, you will need to re-pot the plant in an appropriate mixture. Potting or garden soil retains too much moisture and will likely lead to more rotting problems. If your cacti is growing in the landscape in an area where water pools after a hard rain, consider potting it with cacti soil mixture.


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